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Mate Seduced: Alpha Marked Page 8

Berke gave her a soft hug to comfort her. “Always. Your Mark told us you were ours, but it’s you that we want.”

  Tears stung her eyes as the truth of their words sank into her soul. She had only one answer for them now that some of her fears were laid to rest. There was no telling what the future held for the three of them, but she didn’t doubt that they belonged together.

  Taking a deep breath, she gave them what lingered in her heart. “Mate with me.”

  * * *

  Berke took no time in slipping Gabriella’s bra from her shoulders, completely stripping her. As she crawled onto the bed, settling in the middle, he and Jack did the same. Once nude, they surrounded her, one on each side of her curvaceous body. Her breasts were lush mounds, her waist slightly dipping and then flaring to her wide hips. Hips that would first cradle them, and then their pups. He couldn’t wait to see her swollen with their children, nurturing them within her womb.

  He exploited her position, taking his time sliding his palm over her skin, tracing the slight swell of her stomach and kneading her breast. So soft and sweet, a body made to be shared by him and Jack. Their mate. Their soul.

  “Are you ready, love?” Berke grazed her shoulder with his lips in a chaste kiss.

  “Please?” The scent of Gabriella’s arousal hung thick in the air, the musk and honey taunting his wolf.

  “On your side, sweet.” Jack’s voice was wolf-rough, his beast riding the man hard. “Face Berke.”

  They’d briefly discussed positions, wondering how best to claim their mate. The final bite would require some repositioning, but making love to her would be more intimate with Gabriella on her side while they entered her.

  She did as asked, turning toward him, giving a gentle, shy smile as a blush stained her cheeks. She caught her lower lip between her teeth, nibbling the small bit of flesh.

  Berke stroked her chin with his thumb and pulled. “No biting. That’s our job.”

  Nerves fled from her gaze, replaced by a wide smile, and she rolled her eyes.

  Not willing to allow her nerves to reemerge, he pulled her leg up and over his hip, opening her to both of them. The heat of her core drifted to his cock, and he couldn’t imagine how she’d burn him once he slipped inside her sheath.

  The pop of a bottle of lubricant alerted Berke to Jack’s actions. “Ready, love?”

  Gabriella nodded and rocked her hips forward, her spread pussy lips brushing Berke’s dick.

  Reaching between them, he positioned the head of his cock at her entrance, kissing her sopping hole, but not pushing into her body. “Then take me.”

  It would always be her choice. Always.

  Without hesitation she shifted, and then he was inside her, searing wet heat surrounding him with her rippling velvet walls. He groaned with that first penetration, relishing this initial feel of her around him. Never again would they share this “first.”

  His entire length disappeared into her pussy, slipping deep until his hips were flush against hers. Only then did he take over, snare control of their movements and give them what they both craved.

  Flexing his muscles, he withdrew a handful of inches and then slid in once again, giving her a gentle retreat followed by a slow thrust. With every glide of his cock, her pussy trembled around him, milking him with fluttering contractions. Then a slight increase in pressure, a new tightness, alerted him to Jack’s ministrations. With his partner’s fingers penetrating her, the feel of her core became snugger than before.

  Her chest-deep groan was another clue, the sounds of her low moans increasing to heaving pants. Berke gripped her hip, holding her still as they worked in and out of her body, giving her as much pleasure as they could.

  “Does that feel good, love?” Because, God, it felt good to Berke. Better than good. Heaven was not located in the clouds, but within Gabriella.

  “Yes…” The word burst from her lips.

  More moans joined the wet sounds of his body meeting hers.

  Berke’s balls were snug against his body, pulsing with the need to fill her with his cum. They’d be tied together in a bond that could never be broken. Her for them, and them for her. His heart skipped a beat at the idea of this one woman for them.

  “Berke…” She squirmed. “Jack…” A low moan followed and the increased pressure drifted away.

  “I’m going to slip my cock into your ass, sweet.” Jack’s low murmur joined the moans and groans echoing in the room. “Ready?”

  “Please, please, please.”

  Berke had no doubt that they’d be taking their mate together often in the future.

  The pressure and tightness of Gabriella’s pussy increased further, the slide of Jack’s shaft into her ass stroking him. The squeeze tightened until he thought his cock would be crushed, but in moments they were joined as one, a chain that’d be completed at their mutual culmination.

  Ready? Jack’s mental voice betrayed him, the stress from the need to move reaching Berke with ease.

  Ready. Berke nodded, and then it began.

  Gabriella was between them, Berke and Jack holding her still, and he was the first to retreat. He slid out slowly, allowing his tightly leashed need to burst free. He let his body truly enjoy her intimate embrace. Her sheath massaged his cock, stroking and milking him.

  He retreated until the tip of his cock was all that remained in her core. His balls protested, throbbing with the need to fill her. As he eased back into her, Jack began his withdrawal, their bodies working as one to pick up an alternating rhythm. There was not a moment that she wasn’t penetrated by one of them.

  In and out, caressing her with their shafts.

  Sweat beaded on his forehead. The fight to withhold his release until she was balancing on the edge with them strained him beyond belief.

  Low babbling reached him, Gabriella’s words flowing into each other as they escaped her lips. Whimpers of “more”, “close”, “need”, and “gonna.”

  He released another hint of his control, allowing his body to rush closer to coming, until he hung on by barely a thread. Low moans had turned into echoing groans, his own murmured words mingling with Gabriella’s.


  His Alpha partner grunted. Fuck yeah.

  Berke sensed Jack’s nearness to orgasm and reached between him and Gabriella, intent on nudging her over the edge.

  It was time.

  * * *

  Thank God, it was time.

  Gabby squeezed Jack like a fist, her ass wrapped around his cock feeling like nothing ever before. He’d never had a mate before, either. Never thought he’d ever finish his bond with Berke and tie himself to a Marked female.

  His, his, his. The past could never be forgotten, but it could be pushed aside in the light of their ties. Emotions swirled, growing and swelling with every slide of his cock into Gabby. She’d done this: bound them in an unbreakable knot.

  More than anything, he craved her love.

  He pushed into her once again, moaning at the fierce contraction of her hole. She was close, her sobs and babbling increasing until he barely recognized her words. Berke’s hand disappeared between his body and hers, and the reaction was instantaneous.

  Yes, she was very, very close.

  Their bodies were moist, sweat coating them due to exertion, and the scent of their sex lingered in the air.

  Jack’s wolf howled at their impending triumph. So close, so near to their lifelong goal. Well, the beast’s goal. It hadn’t ever given up on Jack. Even when he was at his worst, fighting through grief and resolving to never let anyone close, it had pushed and prodded him.

  Now he was thankful for his other half.

  When the milking rhythm of Gabby’s body continued to increase, flowing from one into the next, Jack knew she rested at the precipice.

  Jack’s balls were about to burst, his cock stimulated until pleasure was easing to pain, and somehow that simply increased the ecstasy of being inside her. He allowed his fangs to drop and lengthen within his mouth as
he prepared to sink them into Gabby’s shoulder.

  The sound of her moans transformed into screams, and her body trembled.

  Now, Berke?

  His partner’s response was immediate. Now.

  As one, they rolled, holding Gabby while they moved, repositioning their bodies without breaking their maddening rhythm. Berke was now beneath them, Gabby settled in the middle, while Jack loomed above their supine bodies.

  The in and out continued, the see-saw action of their cocks driving all of them mad with need. Berke’s emotions raged within his mind, and Jack found that his own mirrored the other wolf's.

  Want. Need. Desire. Affection. Lo—

  They both backed off at that thought. Too soon. Much too soon.

  Gabby let out a high-pitched scream, her hole fisting him in a nearly-painful squeeze, signaling her release… And giving him permission for his own.

  Fuck now. He sent the words to Berke, sensing his friend’s nearness as well.

  It took three thrusts. Three flexes of his hips before his life once again was forever altered. Twice in the same day.

  The sixteen-year-old pain he’d been harboring drifted away, destroyed by the day’s events. Looking at Berke, he caught the flash of fang, the emergence of the other wolf’s canines.

  They both craned their necks, teeth resting against Gabby’s skin, and then they bit. Sweet blood flowed into his mouth, the coppery tang sliding over his taste buds.

  With the taste of the burgundy fluid coating his tongue, his orgasm rushed forward. His wolf howled in triumph at the mating bite and then a blinding rush of sensation overtook him.

  His prick throbbed, and the euphoria of release enveloped him. With every pulse of his cock and flex of his hips, tendrils of his new bond with Gabby floated into place.

  Snippets of her emotions drifted to him, gentle at first, whisper-like hints of her feelings. They grew in strength and frequency with every spurt of his dick, cum filling her delicious ass as the bliss continued. Her dark channel clenched him, and he imagined her pussy did the same to Berke.

  Jack roared against her flesh, his beast wrenching control from him. An echoing sound came from his partner and then Gabby’s voice rose above theirs. Suddenly the door between them that had been easing open was ripped from its ethereal hinges. Gabby invaded his mind, her thoughts twirling and dancing with his, her feelings making love with those present within him. She drew them together. Berke’s presence also took shape inside him. And then the pain anchored in the past was truly gone. The fear vanished beneath her power, the worry and anxiety pulled from him just as she wove them into one.

  One last shudder wracked their connected bodies. Gabby went limp between them, slumping against Berke. Jack still supported his weight on his hands, not wanting to crush his new mate. With care, he slid his teeth free of her shoulder, lapping at the wound as he withdrew. Blood trickled from the injury, and he licked up every drop of the delicious fluid. He normally didn’t care for the taste, only suffering through it when his wolf hunted, but he didn’t think he’d ever get enough of Gabby. He foresaw biting his lush mate regularly. Already he wanted to mark her again, bathe her in his scent so every other male would know she was taken.

  Later. He met Berke’s gaze over Gabby’s shoulder.

  Jack nodded. Later. And often.

  * * *

  Sweat coated Gabby, the moisture cooling from the chilled air, but she couldn’t have cared less. Not when she could sense both Berke and Jack within her mind, their thoughts flowing into her in gentle waves. Pure male satisfaction ruled above them all, but she sensed an underlying caring that seemed to grow with every passing breath. She wasn’t delusional enough to think it was love, but the foundation had been built and, brick-by-brick, was growing within their conjoined minds.

  As one they shifted, the men withdrawing while Gabby settled more comfortably between their bodies. Berke and Jack’s hands didn’t leave her as their breathing eased back to normal. Fingers continued to move over her skin, palms sliding along her ribcage to just above her pubis and back again. The touches weren’t meant to arouse, but simply to continue their connection.

  Jack eased closer, leg sliding over hers as he nuzzled her shoulder. When she focused, she sensed nothing but joy and wonder coming from him, a deep contentment that was echoed by his wolf.

  Berke shifted nearer as well, his arm wrapping around her waist while pressing a kiss to her shoulder before moving to share her pillow. His emotions were no less deep. Certain aspects shone brighter than Jack’s, yet different. His closeness to love worried her since she wasn’t sure of her own feelings.

  “Shh…” Berke kissed her again. “We have the rest of our lives.” He scraped one of his fangs over her shoulder and then leaned in farther to lap at her new mating mark. “Nothing needs to come today. Or even tomorrow. Having you with us is all we need.”

  Jack nodded against her, his agreement swift.

  “Are you upset about Colson?” Gabby couldn’t withhold the question. She recalled Jack’s reticence at taking his place, and worried that he’d gone along with things and would come to hate her for forcing the issue.

  “Never, love.” Jack slid his arm alongside Berke’s and gripped her hip. “It took you to make me see the truth, and I would never resent you for today’s events.” He licked the wound he’d inflicted on her. “We were born to lead. Regardless of my fears. Colson will have the best Alpha Pair leading them, and our Pack will be all the stronger for your presence.” He pushed up and braced himself on his elbow. “I’m not my father. I wouldn’t harm you or Berke if my life depended on it.” Jack sighed. “And I accept that we’re a deadly race. Hiding from my true self, punishing you and Berke for my fear, doesn’t negate the truth. I am an Alpha, paired with Berke, and mated to you. Nothing more. Nothing less.”

  Gabby looked to her other mate. “Berke?”

  “I don’t think we’d have been able to finish our pairing had it not been for you. I don’t know that we ever would have.” Gabby’s gaze remained focused on Berke as he spoke, but she felt Jack nod at the wolf’s words. “Now we’ll have a home with a Pack desperately in need of good Alphas. Even better, it’ll be near Scarlet. And if you’d like, Whitney can come live with us. We know how much your sisters mean to you.”

  “Really?” She couldn’t help the wistful tone.

  “Really.” Berke brushed a gentle kiss across her lips.

  She turned to Jack, anxious for one from him as well. “Really.”

  Gabby sighed and reveled in their closeness. She could do this. She could continue to heal Jack’s heart and grow to love the two wolves in her life. Easy.

  She wiggled and snuggled into the bed, enjoying the heat of her mates’ bodies as she relaxed. Yeah, it was all good. Another shift of her body and she wrinkled her nose. “Dude. Scarlet was right. Mating is squishy.”


  Gabby dragged her not-so-happy, super-tired ass out to the living area of the suite she now shared with Berke and Jack. She hurt in spots she didn’t even know existed, but damn, it’d been worth it. Her mates had taken her places she’d only ever dreamt of and beyond. Just remembering that last orgasm sent a shudder of renewed arousal through her.

  Bad vagina. Bad. Any more smexy times and you’ll break.

  Manly chuckles slipped into her mind, and she gave the men a mental frown.

  The soft thump of feet approaching drew her attention to the stairs which led to the Ruling Alphas’ suite. In moments, a smiling Scarlet and Whitney appeared.

  Scarlet threw her hands in the air. “Whee! It’s good to be mated to the Ruling Alphas. I get to show up whenever I want, and you can’t tell me no!”

  Well, at least Gabby was clothed. She looked down at the oversized t-shirt she wore, noting a few holes here and there. Yeah, she’d gotten a little impatient when she’d stripped Jack last night. But her pink bits were hidden, so whatever.

  Whitney followed behind Scarlet, a covered tray in her
hands, and Gabby perked up. “Breakfast?” Her stomach rumbled. “With lotsa sugar?”

  Scarlet gave her a “duh” look. “And coffee is on its way. I stole this stuff from my suite, but carrying burning hot things is beyond me this early. Our new Captain of the Guard is sending one of the ‘young pups’ along with it. Apparently catering to my every whim is some sort of hazing ritual now.”

  Yeah, Gabby could see that.

  Whitney plopped onto the couch. Gabby soon followed, while Scarlet curled up in a chair opposite them. The Wickham triplets together again. At least Gabby’s new home was near Scarlet’s. Now they had to figure out Whit’s situation.

  Snaring a Danish, she bit into it and poked at the big neon yellow elephant in the room. Pink was so passé. “So, I’m mated. And you’re mated.” She pointed at Scarlet then turned to Whitney. “The question is: what’s up with you?”

  Whitney’s eyes widened and her cheeks flushed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She chomped on her pastry.


  Scarlet snorted. “Right. You weren’t practically humping the Wardens’ legs last night. Sell me a bridge.”

  Whitney scrunched her nose. “Okay, they’re hot, but they’re not an Alpha Pair, and I’m not a Marked. No matter what, it’d be sex and nothing else.”

  Gabby grinned. “Hot sex though.” Twin growls filled her mind, overpowering any other thoughts. “Quit it you two!” The sounds quieted.

  “Getting snarly, are they?” Scarlet chuckled. “Yeah, we can’t talk about guy hotness or sex with anyone but them anymore. Sucks, but true.”

  “Ugh. Fine. So, Whitney, why were you eye fucking Emmett and Levy? You know, the two non-hot, non-sexy Wardens?” Gabby only got low grumbles from her mates for that one.

  Whitney refused to look at her, flicking a crumb off her jeans instead. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Liar.” Scarlet said the word at the same time as Gabby.