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Mate Seduced: Alpha Marked Page 4

  With one last burst of self-restraint, she wrenched her mouth from his. There. It was over. His tempting mouth was no longer firm against her lips, and she was able to breathe once again.

  Gabby pushed at the wolf holding her, easing him away, and she stepped out of their combined embrace. Growls rolled after her, but she held up her hands, forestalling their approach.

  “No.” She shook her head. “Fifteen minutes ago you,” she looked at the amber wolf, “didn’t want me. Five minutes later, you scared another wolf from my side. As far as I know, you aren’t even an Alpha Pair. How did this happen?”

  Their muscles bunched and tightened, pressing starkly against their tanned skin. She turned to the Captain, admiring his closely cropped black hair and glittering green eyes. Like the Lieutenant he was heavily muscled, tall and filled with barely constrained power. She fought against the need to go to them, mold herself to their bodies and beg for their touch once again. There were too many unanswered questions and too much standing between them. She needed answers before submitting to their claiming.

  “Hell, I don’t even know your names!”

  The two men looked to each other, their gazes communicating something she didn’t understand, and then the Captain turned to her, his stare intent. “There are things that need to be said, and we can proceed as you wish.”

  As she wished.

  Chapter Three

  As you wish. Uttering those three words took every ounce of Berke’s strength. He didn’t want to give her a choice, just as he didn’t want to give Jack the option of walking away.

  “I’m Berke Davis, Captain of the Ruling Alphas’ Guard, and this is Jack Wright, my Lieutenant.” He took a deep breath, begging his wolf to remain calm. The beast was fighting to break free, dispense with human speech and jump ahead to the claiming. “You are correct that we aren’t an Alpha Pair, and yet we are.”

  Gabriella’s brows lowered as her lips puckered in a small frown. His hands tingled with the need to wipe away the expression. Nothing but smiles should ever grace her features.

  Reaching for her, he snared her wrist in a gentle hold and tugged her toward a nearby couch. Thank goodness they had somewhere to sit other than the bed. He settled her onto the plush surface, sitting beside her as Jack slumped into a nearby chair. Trepidation poured from his friend in never ending waves. There was no gentle ebb and flow, merely an ever-pounding surf of emotion.

  Silence remained heavy, circling them in an undulating current. So many words in the English language, yet he couldn’t find a single one.

  “Jack?” He looked to his friend, not sure what he was asking, but he asked just the same.

  “Yes.” Jack nodded, shoulders slumped, and he could feel the heaviness of the other wolf’s heart.

  Yes to their history then.

  Berke twined his fingers with Gabriella’s and squeezed her hand gently. He frowned at their conjoined hands, hunting for the place to start their tale.

  “The beginning usually works.” Her tone was wry, and a glance at her face showed a smirk decorating her lips.

  Apparently he’d said his thoughts aloud.

  With a sigh, he began…

  “Jack and I were born into the same Pack, a small one tucked up in the Georgia Mountains.” He let his mind drift to his childhood, remembering the scents of earth and trees, of stone and sunshine on the mountain. “He’s the only son of the Alpha trio, and I’m just a regular wolf who happened to be born a bad ass.” He puffed out his chest, grinning, and both Gabriella and Jack laughed at that.

  “You wish, asshole.” His friend snorted.

  “When we were kids…” He furrowed his brow, thinking back. “What, we were five? Six?”

  Jack shook his head. “Try four. We were precocious, Mom said.”

  Damn, they’d been younger than he remembered. “We’d been listening to adults talking after the run about how Alpha Pairs were together forever and that they’d never be apart, right?” A sharp, jagged shot of agony pierced him, the emotion assuredly coming from Jack. “We were best friends, are best friends, and we didn’t want anyone to separate us. We thought if we became an Alpha Pair, they couldn’t tell us we couldn’t play together.”

  This time it was Gabriella who snorted.

  “Yeah,” he smiled ruefully. “Precocious, right? We snuck away that night and crawled into the tree house that we were definitely not allowed to be in, and tried not to cry when we…”

  “Formed your bond.”

  Berke shook his head. “A pretty way of saying two four year olds cut open their hands on a rusty nail and pressed our palms together while doing our damnedest not to burst into tears. We were Alphas. Alphas don’t cry.”

  “I wasn’t the one crying ya big baby.” Jack smiled wide. “You should have seen him, Gabby. Big, bad Berke with tears in his eyes and telling me that we could be Alphas next year when we were ‘this many’.” His friend held up his hand, fingers spread wide.

  Berke snagged a pillow and flung it at the other man. A bit of the pain traveling over their connection lessened and allowed him to take a deep breath. “Ass.”

  Gabby stroked the back of his hand with her thumb. “So, you two put on your big boy britches and blood bonded.”

  He nodded. “Yup. Four years old and we’d tied ourselves to each other. Any other boys would have simply gone home with cuts on their hands. Maybe a few bruises.”

  “But you two are Alphas through and through, so it worked. And it was never finished because…”

  There were two stages to becoming a true Alpha Pair. First, they had to live through being bloodied in front of another wolf equal in strength to their own. Had Jack been even a hint weaker than him, Berke would have instinctively taken out the perceived threat to his life. Being injured before another made a wolf jumpy, prone to violence. Because they were evenly matched, their wolves hadn’t gone on the offensive, recognizing that a battle between them would only end in pain with no victor. A werewolf version of “you can’t kick my ass and I can’t kick yours, so let’s grab a beer.”

  So, they’d gotten the hard part out of the way first. Two four-year-old boys who’d decided that they didn’t want their moms keeping them from playing together.

  Berke opened his mouth to respond to Gabriella’s unfinished question, ready to hurry through his explanation as quickly as possible, only it was Jack who stepped into the silence.

  “Because one of my fathers murdered my mother and my other dad the day before I turned sixteen.” Jack’s voice was quiet, but the words sliced through the room. Gut-wrenching heartache shot at Berke from his connection to the other wolf. The feelings nearly had him doubling over in pain. “He said that Berke and I were too strong. He wasn’t going to lose his Pack to two snot-nosed teenagers.”

  Berke replayed the words, the horror of finding one of his Pack’s Alphas covered in his mate’s blood, grinning and exposing red-hued teeth, and the bodies on the floor barely recognizable. He clenched his fist tight, barely noticing the sting of his nails digging into his palms. It’d hurt him, sure, to lose their leadership like that. But Jack…

  “He said the Ruling Alphas could take over for all he cared, but he’d be damned if some other man’s whelp would push him out of his place at sixteen.” Jack’s voice was hoarse and stretched thin.

  “But…” Gabriella shook her head, brow furrowed. “But any children in a triad belong to both men. They’re—”

  Burke tightened his grip, taking comfort in the feel of her skin beneath his. “It was obvious that Jack was genetically Arthur’s, and the two of us together were easily stronger than Jack’s parents. Even in our teens. So, Walter thought that Jack and I wanted the Pack.”

  “In his twisted mind…” Jack’s eyes drifted closed. The agony was evident, not just in their bond, but also on his features. “There was just so much fear. Fear that the bond would be complete and that we’d suddenly decide we wanted to take over. Everything.”

  * * *
  Dear God. She’d never heard anything so…heartbreaking. The thoughts of what these two men experienced at sixteen sank into her heart and tore it to pieces.

  Squeezing Berke’s hand gently, she released him and rose from her seat to go to Jack. She wasn’t connected to them as she would be once they mated, but his blazing anguish was easy to see on his features. His eyes glistened, light reflecting off the tears forming. He blinked away the moisture upon her approach, but she’d already caught sight of his vulnerability. And it touched her like nothing before.

  Berke, with his blatant sexuality and interest, wanted her. There was no doubt. But Jack… He needed her. Berke had been right in that. She could heal him, could show him that being an Alpha didn’t mean heartache and loss. It was about love. Love of his Pack, his mate, and any pups that came along the way.

  Sliding her hand into Jack’s, she forced one arm aside and then slipped onto his lap. He didn’t grunt or groan under her plump weight. He simply allowed her do as she wished while she got comfortable. Laying her head on his shoulder, she placed her other palm over his heart.

  “It isn’t like that. Not truly.”

  Jack’s arms wrapped around her waist, holding her close as he laid his cheek atop her head. “I wish I could believe that. I wish I could go to the Ruling Alphas and complete my bond with Berke and then claim you, Gabby.”

  Such a stark wistfulness in his voice brought tears to her eyes.


  “No. Even if something like what happened to my parents never occurs again, there are still challenges. Look at yesterday. The Colson Alphas Challenged Keller and Madden for their place and Scarlet. They died for their mistake.” His voice held a grim tone.

  Gabby closed her eyes, remembering the bloody fight. Had it only happened last night? Being Marked meant that she was taught about werewolf life, and she knew that the beasts were an aggressive group. She’d just never been faced with the truth before. And she had to admit that, in part, being an Alpha meant facing challengers to their position.

  “So you won’t ever claim a mate? Claim me?”

  “Gabby…” Jack’s heart stuttered beneath her hand, his pulse tripping.

  “You can become an Alpha Pair and face the threat of challenges someday, or you can stay in the Ruling Alphas’ guards and deal with any threats to Keller and Madden.” She pulled away from him, a sob sticking in her throat. She knew he meant every word, knew his resolve to never complete his bond to Berke was rock hard. “Every day you face death, Jack. Every. Day. You just need to accept life.”

  Rising from his lap, she turned toward Berke. Two steps brought him within reach and she leaned down, brushing her lips across his. Her tears were no longer willing to be held back and cascaded down her cheeks, sliding over her face in thin rivulets. “I’m sorry I’ll never get to love you. More than I can ever say, I’m sorry.”

  With that, she straightened and spun, keeping her gaze averted as she padded to the bedroom door. She didn’t look back, unwilling to return to them and beg Jack to reconsider. He’d made his choice long ago. He’d forced back the bone-deep need to complete the bond between him and Berke out of pure fear.

  Unfortunately, the prospect of happiness wasn’t strong enough to break through that barrier.

  Unseeing, she shuffled through the suite, blinking her eyes in an effort to slow her tears. Three steps into the living room, she ran into her sisters, the two of them laughing and chatting as they watched TV. As if sensing her presence, they turned to her, and their smiles slipped from their lips.

  “Gabby?” Whitney rose from her seat, concern in both her tone and features. “What…”

  “Gabs?” Scarlet popped up and strode toward her, Whitney hot on her heels. “Who do we need to kill? The guys will do that for me. Totally. It’s a perk.”

  Just another reminder that wolves were a bloodthirsty, deadly race.

  Gabby shook her head, and when Whitney reached for her, she went willingly into her sister’s embrace. “No. It’s fine. It is what it is and—”

  “What’s with the tears?” Scarlet stroked her back, comforting hand tracing her spine.

  “We’re mates, but we won’t be mating. Ever. They,” another shake of her head. “They’ve chosen not to claim me.” She closed her eyes and tears still leaked from beneath her lids. She ignored the shocked gasps of not only her sisters, but the guards surrounding them as well.

  God, could her embarrassment get any worse?

  She practically felt Scarlet’s glare around the room. The wolves stationed throughout the room quieted completely until not a sound could be heard. “Come on, Gabs. We’ll go chill in my sitting room and order enough chocolate to send us into a diabetic coma.”

  Scarlet’s grin was infectious, forced or not, and Gabby felt herself nodding in response. Chocolate fixed everything. Hopefully, even a broken heart.

  Allowing her sisters to lead, Gabby followed, eyes pinned to the ground. She didn’t want to see their pity; feeling sorry for herself was enough. In moments, they were ensconced in Scarlet’s bedroom and snuggled into a collection of chairs and a couch that mirrored those in Gabby’s room.

  Slumping onto the couch, she hugged a pillow to her chest and curled into herself. She didn’t have any words to express her pain. Nothing. Not a syllable or sound to release the agony in her chest.

  She’d be the first to admit that she hadn’t been thrilled about having to attend the Gathering. The idea that magic would determine her husbands grated on her, and the fact that the Marked had to follow wolfen law scraped against her nerves. It took seeing Scarlet with her new mates for her to realize that her situation might not be all bad. But the moment she spied Berke and briefly met Jack changed all of that.

  Gabby glanced around the room, noting the scattered clothes and personal items that decorated the furniture and floor. She wanted this: a messy room that came from three people being so wrapped in each other that everything else fell to the wayside.

  But she wouldn’t have it, would she?

  Scarlet huffed, and Gabby could see the fire kindling in her eyes. “So,” she cleared her throat. “Lemme get this straight. They know you’re their mate and don’t want to mate you? I mean, I don’t get the whole non-Alpha Pair-slash-Marked mating dealio, but it’s there for you three.”

  “Yup.” Gabby sighed and laid it all out for her sisters, explaining the situation in broad terms and leaving out what bits and pieces she thought should stay between her, Berke, and Jack.

  Silence reigned at the end of her speech, enveloping them in an oppressive blanket until Scarlet shattered it with a few words. “Was Jack dropped on his head as a kid?” She raised her eyebrows. “Really. That wasn’t a rhetorical question. Or maybe,” Scarlet sat up straighter. “There’s a history of Acute Stupidity Disorder in his family tree. I bet if we shake it, it’d pop out.” She tilted her head to the side as if pondering the idea. “Do you think they have pills for that?”

  Gabby fought against the giggles forming in her chest, pushing them down with all her might, but she wasn’t strong enough. First a snort escaped. Then a chuckle. A combination of the two pushed past her lips then. (A snuckle?) And then a full-fledge attack of the laughs hit her.

  Whitney soon joined in, her tinkling giggles adding to Gabby’s. “At least it’s not Erectile Dysfunction. Or is it?” She waved the question away. “If it is, you’re better off without ’em. I mean, ED in their thirties? How much use will you get out of them long term? What if they become immune to the little blue pill?” Whitney shuddered. “Can you imagine a life without sausages?”

  Gabby threw her head back and laughed. “Sausages? Really? You can call them dicks, hon.”

  Whitney wrinkled her nose. “That seems so… So.”

  Scarlet rolled her eyes. “Whatever Whit-prude.”

  Relaxing into the couch, some of the tension of the morning drained away. God, she loved her sisters. Her annoying, infuriating, loving sisters.

  Except… A flash of bright red caught her eye and she narrowed her eyes.

  Gabby needed to amend her thought. She loved her sisters except when they stole things. “Scarlet, is that my Favorite Top of all Time?”

  “Uh, well…” Scarlet cleared her throat. “I think we should focus on Whitney now, don’t you? I mean we need to find the Wardens for Whit and figure things out and—” A soft knock interrupted her sister’s obvious attempt at changing the subject.

  With a glare at Scarlet, she sprung from the couch and stomped to the bundle of red in the middle of the room, snatching it up and shaking it out to get a better look. Yup. Hers. Scarlet normally did not wear red. Too many people use to joke about “Scarlet wearing scarlet.” Apparently her newfound mates gave her the confidence to bust out with the cherry red.

  A low, “saved by the knock” drifted to her, and she glared even harder.

  “Bitch.” She grumbled and returned to her seat. Hopefully it was the guards with mounds of chocolate-covered heaven for them. Okay, it was for Gabby, she could admit it. Chocolate cured everything. Including heartache over mates who were so frozen by fear that they couldn’t see beyond their past and into their future.

  A low murmur of voices drifted toward them, but it was Scarlet’s screeches that snared Gabby’s attention. “Excuse the fuck outta me?”

  She let out a relieved sigh. She could definitely go for dealing with someone else’s drama right then. Focusing on another wolf would let Gabby wallow in her own chocolate coated misery. Well, as soon as the sugary sweetness got into her grubby hands.

  “Tell the two-bit whore that she can fling herself off the building for all I care. Hell, I’ll help her. Lemme open a window.” Scarlet flung the door open wide, and Gabby caught site of a very uncomfortable looking guard. Her sister nudged the poor guy before her.

  “Alpha Mate, please.” The wolf held up his hands as if to stop Scarlet, but Gabby knew that wasn’t about to work.